What is the atharva veda in induism
What is the atharva veda in induism

‘The motive of the Vedas is to help man to remain within the limitations of the Vedas despite having lost the spiritual emotion that ‘He is I ( so’ham)’ by retaining awareness of the soul principle or at least to prevent him from becoming unhappy in the materialistic world. This is also precisely the reason why they are called eternal ( anadi). Hence the sages were able to realise them. The Vedas were created by The Lord for the welfare of mankind much before creation of man. Determination of the time of origin of the Vedas The fourth mode of speech, the Vaikhari is that spoken by the common man.’ (5) 3. These three forms of expression of the Vedas are extremely complicated. The gross form of this speech is the Madhyama mode. The Pashyanti mode of speech is the manifest verbal form of the Vedas. Since sages were enlightened with the Vedic mode of speech it is called the Pashyanti (to see) mode. ‘The Para mode of speech is the most subtle form of knowledge. According to the Mahabharat initially there was only one Veda in the form of Om. The Bhagvadgita (7.8) says that entire literature itself has originated from Omkar. The Shiva Puran (7.6.27) says that the Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda have originated from the letters a (अ), u (उ), m (म) and subtle sound respectively. Various Purans state that the Vedas have originated from Omkar. Divine speech ( para vani) which manifests from absolute ether in the heart or absolute ether in the subconscious mind ( chidakash) is itself known as the Vedas.’ (4) 2.7 Omkar The Vedas being in the form of a word ( shabda), one view states that they have originated from absolute ether. According to one school of thought the Rugveda was created from Agni (the deity of fire), the Yajurveda from Vayu (the deity of air) and the Samaveda from Aditya (the Sun deity). ‘Authors of the Purans have attributed the creation of the Vedas to different deities according to the sect to which they belonged. Gayatri has been called Vedamata (mother of the Vedas) in various holy texts. The four Vedas originated from the four mouths of Lord Brahma. The sages first heard this sound of hum (हुं) originating from Prajapati hence that sound of hum, that is the Vedas acquired the name “ Shrutis”.’ (3) 2.3 Lord Brahma It is also said that Prajapati created the Vedas with His expiration. Prajapati generated creation and created the Vedas to nurture it. Lord Brahma from the Purans is called Prajapati in Vedic literature. The Bruhadaranyakopanishad (2.4.10) states that the very breath of this Great Cosmic Being are the Vedas. It is also referred to as The Supreme Soul ( Paramatma), God ( Ishvar) or Mahabhut (the Great Cosmic Element). ‘As one recedes to the origin of creation one has to accept a principle which itself is absolute ( praman). It is from this viewpoint as well that the Vedas are considered divine as no one is accorded the status of being their author.’ (2) 2.2 God ( Ishvar) or Prajapati sages.” Thus one would say the sages were enlightened with the knowledge of the eternally existing Vedas. ‘The meaning of the word rushi (ऋषि) as given in the holy text Nirukta means rushirdarshanat (ऋषिर्दर्शनात्‌) meaning “Those who have realised the manifest form of God are called rushis i.e. The ancient sages were enlightened with Vedic literature. The ancient sages have been considered the authors of the Vedas however several holy texts proclaim that sages are not the creators of mantras rather They were only seers. Since words from the Vedas are considered eternal the Vedas are considered divine. Founder of Vedas 2.1 DivineĪccording to the Indian holy texts the Darshans, a word is perpetual and has an unique association with its meaning. Synonym – Shruti: The sages heard the Vedas first ( shrut refers to that which is heard) hence they are also called the Shrutis. The various meanings of vid are to have, to acquire knowledge, or to see.’ (1) From this the word Veda means spiritual knowledge, subject of knowledge or the means of acquiring knowledge. ‘The word Veda (वेद) has been derived from the verb vid (विद्‌) with a prefix dhayan (धञ्‌) which means spiritual emotion ( bhav), action ( karma) and result. 7.7 Righteousness ( Dharma) in the Rugveda.

what is the atharva veda in induism what is the atharva veda in induism

What is the atharva veda in induism